Site Map

This page provides visitors with a general overview of the MADE in France website organized by main web site sections with a description of each. Photos on the website represent typical program locations and activities, the work and affiliations of our artists, as well as the general flavor of the entire MADE in France experience.

Here is a brief overview of the program and links to all the various MADE in France program information.

This page offers a welcome message to prospective applicants from Robert Henke, Chair of the Washington University Performing Arts Department.

Here are the details of the two academic aspects of the program: Old Paris / New Europe; and Choreography & Construction Collaborations

This is a detailed and illustrated guide to our distinguished faculty. Click on More in each listing here for extended biographies of the artists.

This link provides program application information for Connecticut College students as well as separate links for Washington University students to apply.

Champs Mélisey
In the French countryside at Mélisey, students take three weeks of intensive study and workshops with invited European artists. This page describes the program and shows you around the facility.

Student Projects
Link here for portals to ongoing student research in the performing arts at Washington University Performing Arts Department.

Other Links
Here is an extended list of program resources including theatres, museums, artst affiliations and a number of other fun and entertaining sites related to the program. Most links noted throughout the text of the website are also compiled here.

Site Map
This is the sitemap page.

How to contact the program in Paris, at Washington University or Connecticut College.

Video - 2008
This video highlights the premiere season of the MADE in France program